Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Love-Bath Time

I know that I am not under 6 years old, and you probably think I am weird for posting this, but I cant live without my nightly bath or shower (if I am not at home).

 I totally loathe going to bed without showering or taking a bath.I am extremely obsessive about bathing and hygiene.I have been this way for as long as I can remember. I am a 2x daily bath/shower person!
I know that lots of folks out there are not big fans of soaking in the tub, but this quiet time is always my daily indulgence. I cant wait to soak in the tub and slide into bed each night! I definitely look forward to these two events each day. 
These few goodies are my keys to a quality bath....  
Vaseline Moisturizing Bath Beads
I was introduced to this box of goodness by one of my college roommates. It comes is several different fragrances and does not make the tub slippery. *Warning* it turns the water an unattractive shade of green when you first pour it in. I buy multiple boxes whenever I can find it! The price is right too-Under $3 a box!

Bar Soap
Bath & Body Works glycerin soaps were my favorite. They sadly don't make them anymore. I stock up on their other bar soaps whenever I find the. I have bought 20+ bars at the outlet store once! I also love Dial glycerin soaps and  Zest soaps.

Wash Cloth/Bath Cloth
Again, I know that I am over 6 years old. I love a good wash cloth. They exfoliate the skin so well and they are so much better than those germy, yucky body poofs/loofahs. I use two of these babies a day.

L'Oreal Face Wash
I have used L'Oreal face wash at nigh for years. The Skin Genesis cleanser was my favorite, but like everything else that apparently only I love, it got discontinued. The Youth Code cleanser is similar and always leaves my face feeling clean and fresh. It also has a great scent. I usually find this cleanser at Ulta.

Clarisonic Face Brush
This was one of those purchases that I went back and forth on for many months because it is so expensive & I have a hard time making decisions without first consulting others, browsing the Internet on the topic, and reading countless reviews. This brush really deserves a love post all on its own. My face looks so much better, feels so much cleaner, and is much softer. Go out an buy it if you are considering! You will not regret it!

Hope you will take time to enjoy a relaxing bath soon! Any bath products that you cant live without?

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